C-2, First Floor, Lajpat Nagar-3, Near Moolchand Hospital, New Delhi-110024

7 Reason summer pregnancy also good

7 Reason summer pregnancy also good

summer pregnancy benefit

Gynecologist come  across many girls who want to become pregnant only in winter. They say that they would be able to have rich food, dry fruits and will get more rest at night as the days are shorter. Few girls say that they will be able to cover themselves nicely. However there are many pregnancy advantages which are beneficial for your new little family member.

But following reasons will make you feel good for your summer pregnancy news.

  1. Plenty of sunshine  makes you feel more active
  2.  Good vitamin d and UV rays exposure— because  low vitamin d is responsible for abnormalities in foetus, pregnancy induced diabetes, high blood pressure. Avoid heat stroke and excessive exposure to sun .
  3.  Bright-Sunny morning is suitable for outdoor exercises like swimming , walking . Both are beneficial  for heart and  prevents excessive weight gain, painful joints and swelling in legs during pregnancy
  4. Sunny weather  makes you feel thirsty and you are able to drink more water thus chances of UTI (urinary tract infection) is less likely.
  5.  “Hydration is easy and tasty”-abundance of fresh juicy fruits and vegetables are available-means lots of vitamins , minerals , glucose as power packed food items to make delicious healthy drinks
  6. Summer drives to take bath regularly thus prevents skin  and fungal- infection.
  7. Baby born during summer are less prone to catch RSV (Respiratory syntactical virus) which is highly contagious, deadly dangerous  for premature babies. RSV is seen in the month of October and November.

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